did she tell you she loved you? yes. she told me how sorry she was, how she doesn t remember shooting me. at the time you really believed that, huh? yes. and so they headed out on the road, eastbound on interstate 80, patty behind the wheel, jaime riding shotgun. they stopped for some gauze to stuff into jaime s bullet holes and went on an 18-hour drive as the kid s life slowly oozed away. after the night in the motel, this murderous odd couple was in custody. and jaime, so close to death, was in a confessional mood. i just lost i just lost all sense. and i went and i bashed him in the head. where was he? he was just watching tv. he told them how he murdered that good man, ron presba, as if
so as the summer sun set and the two watched television, jaime told ron who was hard of hearing that the pigs were making noise and maybe they should investigate. it was out by the pig pen, you ll recall, where ron was to be murdered. because that way it would be easier to hide, clean up, if you want to say. i was going to use a falling ax and i had it here by my waist, ready to swing, but the adrenaline that i felt that should have surged through went in and out in a split second. and i went and sat it beside a tree on the way. couldn t do it? i couldn t do it. a few minutes later, jaime stepped away, phoned patty, begged her to accept what he now knew in her heart, that she was
lake, even though he was begging patty to drive south to mexico. and he decided that patty probably was trying to set him up to take the fall for ron s murder. but he also decided that maybe, for the love of patty, he would do just that. he went over in his head the story he would tell when detectives came to see him. that i did it, that i m a mad man. but then a feint thought of my family came through, saying, oh, yeah, my family. what is my grandmother going to think? so that s when i started to just say the truth, the way it really happened. and what really happened? the truth? so much stranger than even one of patty s convoluted lies. the truth was more like fantasy, like the plot from one of jaime s movies. there were times during the interview where we had to actually slow him down, because
family was sentenced to 25 years to life. but before being led off to prison, he agreed to meet with ron s daughters, april and misty. he explained that the little amount of time that he knew my dad he was also growing to love him, and it is hard to hear that from somebody that brutally murdered him. that s the hardest part for me, that he would still do this, and still take him away knowing the type of person he was, and to follow through with it. the forest home where their father cared for them is a dark place now, an ugly place. my dad lost his life in here, it is horrible. i want the house to be burnt down. there is so much evil that took place in here that it is just not comfortable. how did she do it? how did this woman exert such a magical hold over any man, let alone this one. and yet she did, maybe still does. do you love her sometimes still?
that s right, patty s my wife. i married her. how dare you touch my wife that way? and i hit him on the head about three, four more times. and it just ended up where i knew for a fact he was dead. broke his skull. i broke his skull. and i dropped the hammer, and i felt a relief, and i felt exhausted. relief? relief that i finally got this over with, that i finally did justice for this woman. she ll be happy now. but to fully please patty, jaime still had much to do. he needed to stage ron s death to make it look like an