clive was a young lawyer who made a name for himself fighting death penalty cases on a pro bono basis. by the time i got there in 1994 he had been sentenced to death. he had gone up to the supreme court on appeal, to the u.s. supreme court. came back down. so my first thought was, oh, my goodness, how did i let myself into ? despite his reluctance, clive agreed to meet with the man he presumed was guilty. i never talk to people when i first meet them about did you do it. they don t trust you. kris was a rare person who insisted on giving me an a to z lecture about the fact that he didn t do it. i found that quite convincing. although the evidence against him was strong at the time. as a former cop, ron patrill o also had doubts about kris s innocence when he joined the case. initially i thought kris just killed these guys. but i m looking to see where the
penalty. it didn t look too good for kris. the lead detective john burrmaster said he denied ever being in room 1213 while his fingerprints were all over which was a lie. he denied having a gun. the ballistics expert said his was the gun used in the murder. he had invested in property and derrick moo young was supervising the property. according to kris, derrick had stolen $441,000, just embezzled it. so kris had a motive. he clearly hated the moo youngs. finally the icing on the cake was star witness neville butler. kris s case went to tile. in court, the defense presented no ally witnesses and kris never took the stand. ron patrillo was the defense investigator on the case. i knew when i heard all of
trial, kris and his investigator ron patrillo felt good about their chances. kris had seven or eight al i alibis. i had located people and gotten sworn statements that put him squarely in broward county some 25 miles away during the time the murder occurreded. narrator: with the trial approaching, kris got word that tino geddes was about to change his story. everything tino said, that he was with kris, that kris was in broward county when the murders took the place, it was all a lie, according to tino. narrator: he was now going to testify for the prosecution. and no one, including kris, was prepared for the accusations geddes was about to make. u want. woman: but, but, jimmy. all of these travel sites seem the same. captain obvious: i always use with their loyalty program, i get a free night for every ten nights i collect.
evidence takes me. it didn t add up. the deeper i got into the investigation, it began to dawn on me that kris was innocent. ron was loyal to kris. he carried on after the case was over, even though he wasn t being paid or anything. ron and clive noticed discrepancies in the prosecution s story of the murders and set out to look for answers. i demanded to the see the files of the prosecutor and of the police. i start going through it and i m sitting there with extraordinarily bad coffee in police headquarters going through a carefully tabbed file. i discovered that neville butler, the star witness, failed his polygraph test, note that is showed that the police knew that kris had lost his gun before the murders took place. this case is more evidence that was covered up than any case i have ever seen in decades.