This is pretty much the First Six Months leading into the last six months of this fiscal year. I wanted to highlight that for you. If there any questions, its just a presentation discussion item. Do we have any commissioner comments or questions . Tran21 is, on the one is on the delivery apps, can we add peer to peer car rental . S. Yes. I remember requesting a joint hearing with Planning Commission , as they expressed interest in that, too. Allowing for Small Businesses to ask terrifying questions on their uses. Any other commissioner questions . Do we have any Public Comments on item number five . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. Any other questions . Closed. Next item, please . Item 6, directors report. Update and report on the office of Small Business and the Small Business assistance center, department programs, policy and legislative matters, announcements from the mayor, and announcements regarding Small Business activities. Discussion item. Commissioners, you have the wri
The county department of social services sent some money over to the department of aging saying, how about you help with targeting folks 60 and over. And do an allocation base throughout the state and come up with 66,000 which comes down to us, which is to be used to target older adults, 60 and over , solely recognizing that six a 6,000, and the grand scheme, is not the largest amount of money, but we hope to at least cover some staff time to support the much larger coordinated effort. One other question, what would you see as being successful at the end of the day if we were able to in role tenth out able to unroll 10,000 . They are asking us to meet a couple of targets with these funds, and their two categories. There is an outreach category, how many people do we send this information to . That is usually calculated as an estimate. The numbers are asking us to meet on that level within the thousands. Theres also someone asking us to actually track the amount of applications which ar
Policy document to determine whether an economic threshold needs to be established for online retailers. That is a good one to formula retail. The Planning Department has made it clear they deal with land use area this would fall within our wheelhouse, to work on a policy document potentially working on it with other entities, as well. This is pretty much the First Six Months leading into the last six months of this fiscal year. I wanted to highlight that for you. If there any questions, its just a presentation discussion item. Do we have any commissioner comments or questions . Tran21 is, on the one is on the delivery apps, can we add peer to peer car rental . S. Yes. I remember requesting a joint hearing with Planning Commission , as they expressed interest in that, too. Allowing for Small Businesses to ask terrifying questions on their uses. Any other commissioner questions . Do we have any Public Comments on item number five . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. Any other questi
Policy document to determine whether an economic threshold needs to be established for online retailers. That is a good one to formula retail. The Planning Department has made it clear they deal with land use area this would fall within our wheelhouse, to work on a policy document potentially working on it with other entities, as well. This is pretty much the First Six Months leading into the last six months of this fiscal year. I wanted to highlight that for you. If there any questions, its just a presentation discussion item. Do we have any commissioner comments or questions . Tran21 is, on the one is on the delivery apps, can we add peer to peer car rental . S. Yes. I remember requesting a joint hearing with Planning Commission , as they expressed interest in that, too. Allowing for Small Businesses to ask terrifying questions on their uses. Any other commissioner questions . Do we have any Public Comments on item number five . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. Any other questi
The Carson City Historical Society will be hosting a Zoom Memorial for Ron Machado on Saturday, October 10, at 11:00 a.m. Ron passed away on May 27, 2020. Ron was the last founding member of the Nevada Landmarks Society, which eventually became the Carson City Historical Society.