The dow was down about 135 points at the lows of the session. Before ending the day higher by 55 investors initially piled into risk off trade gold at its highest level in a year, but that turned negative the dollar getting crushed earlier, hitting two and a half year lows before gaining back all the lost ground then some. The vix which was up as much as 17 today ended up not even 4 higher, so, is this the market that you cant sell . And theyre in a risk to the market what is . Obviously, you cant at a certain point, but we had this conversation, the news about missile broke about 20 minutes into the show night. We had an interesting conversation, but one of the take aways was it wasnt the actually Missile Launch in our opinion that was going to be the side effect for the market it was whatever the response was going to be. Quite frankly, we havent seen a response, so i think we try to keep cool heads last night turned out to be the right advice the vix, that tells you all you need to