When it comes to climate action, target date is now
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February 14, 2021 12.05am
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The target year for net zero carbon emissions preferred by many nations, including this one, is 30 years away (“Almost alone now: Australia isolated on climate”, February 7). Last century, over a 30-year period, humanity struggled and dealt with two world wars, the Depression and the Spanish influenza. Each nightmare rocking humanity to its foundations. All pale into insignificance should climate change reach a tipping point. Climate scientists exhort that time is of the essence to accelerate our efforts to avoid such an event. 2050 is a target too far.
Must go harder on soft drinks
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February 13, 2021 12.05am
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Credit:Fairfax Media
While I applaud the regulators for trying to update the health star rating system so that people understand there is sugar in fruit juice (“Juice as a ‘soft drink’ gives pips to growers”, February 12), to maintain the higher rating for diet soft drinks, which have no health benefits and contain chemicals that alter the way sugar is metabolised, sometimes causing health problems, is sheer madness. I agree with Professor Hopcraft and Dr Meucke that the entire system is obviously flawed and we need to rethink.