aggressive style, rather than specific changes in policy. you heard that tone from him yesterday in his response to questions about the heckling supporters at the ax aal r aa a rally. if they re going to be heckling us, we re not going to sit back and play by very different rules. we ll show them that we conservatives have the same kind of capacity he does. of course, never mind the whole solyndra thing. a lot of republican governors including mitt romney invested taxpayer money into companies, as well. some of them didn t work. romney did get one expected but symbolic stamp of approval. nancy reagan s endorsement after they met at lemonade and cookies yesterday. she said in a statement roni would have liked governor romney s business background and strong principals s and i have to say i do, too. another former president, bill
42.8% of the unemployed. those numbers went up by 300,000 last month and 5.4 million americans who have been unemployed for 27 weeks or more. these are people who may never find jobs, again. serious problem for the american economy. i heard republicans say to me that at some point they expect the president. my policies are working, you just have to give them time. are you better off now than four years ago, but are you better off in four years. use the fact that the public liblgs him. this didn t work, but i ll try this next time. do you buy that? i sort of buy that. i don t think it is going to be effective. i think we re reaching a point where the numbers are going to be so dismaying to people. my colleague had a piece ben white i know ben white, long-time colleague of mine at the hotline. two bens.
george w. george, i will always remember the gathering you hosted for all the living former presidents before i took office. your kind words of encouragement, plus, you also left me a really good tv sports package. but civility ended there. on opposite ends of the country, the president s chief political strategist david axelrod and mitt romney were engaging in not so civil dueling political stunts. the obama campaign traveled to romney s home state of massachusetts for a press conference on the state house steps to slam. romney s economics didn t work then and it won t work now. awkwardly, though, given the close proximity, axle rod was knocked off message by a vocal group of romney staffers and volunteers, something they shouldn t have been surprised about.