president obama wades into the controversy, you need to turn your phone off, over candidate richard mourdock s rape comments while governor romney tries to keep a safe distance. any such thing as safe distance in this debate? planned parenthood president cecile richards joins us next to discuss. any seth works boston area renaissance fairs, haunted houses and nightclubs. he hawks from his bone shoppe cart. he sells through mirroring potential customer temperaments. watch your business sundays 7:30 on msnbc. [ horn honks ] [ male announcer ] you start your day. love you, too. .thinking about what s important to you
endorsement of mourdock and not asking the republican to take down an ad featuring romney that debuted this week. the controversy comes as polls indicate romney is doing better among women s voters. at poll taken before mourdock s comments romney erased obama s lead among women and is tied with him. that same survey shows that the president has eliminated romney s edge among men. cecile richards the president of planned parenthood. today joining us on behalf of the obama campaign. great to see you. these disasters, these disasters keep coming up and ones of the republicans as own making. right. i wonder how do you grade team rop s handling of this latest controversy? i think it s a disaster. the fact that this is the one senate candidate that mitt romney has endorsed is running ads for, the best tweet i saw on this last night, if this is who mitt romney wants in the united states senate you can only imagine who he wants in the united states supreme court.
and what i you know, putting the polls aside this poll makes no sense and others have said that. i got back frnew hampshire and virginia, republican men and women are saying this is ridiculous. bottom line, why we should have a congress, 83% of which is men, making women s medical decisions. i think fueling the fire. it s amazing, also, that both with the two most incendiary comments about women s and bodies, you have aiken and mourdock tied to the romney-ryan ticket, now you have as you said one senate candidate that romney has sort of given his stamp of approval to having ads with saying this stuff about rape and god s intentions. when we talk about the issues, the president weighing in on leno about mourdock s comment but was brought up the question of the supreme court. i want to play those and talk about we re not talking about that more broadly in the
value of the stock and avoid paying capital gains taxes. corporations are people, my friend. we can raise taxes of course they are. every new corporation is earned but it goes to people. indeed. but which people? laid off workers at sensata or private equity folks at bain capital? mitt romney will play out his base, eliminating the estate tax, 20% across the board tax cut for all income brakers. voters decide whether to put a jobs creator in charge of creating jobs is the right thing to do. john harwood, master of all things relating to the economy, talk about romney and his role at bain because we ve sort of we focused it s the focus certainly of the obama campaign throughout the summer. we are seeing it back in action, et cete especially in targeted ad buys in the midwest. seems like the obama campaign believes it s a good message to
people, we heard someone in ohio, republican in ohio say that the romney outreach effort reminded them of a high school civics class. makes this look really good. technical question, what s the difference between indubable and innumber itable. something for the dictionary. a appreciate the testing of my handle on words that i use. we have to go to break, conveniently. the r in romney doesn t stand for redistribution. can the republican nominee make a convincing case for economic mobility? we ll talk home ec on now. [ male announcer ] when this hotel added aflac to provide a better benefits package. oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees.