he took kemp as the running mate, bob dole who had been a sort of eisenhower republican, never bought into the supply side stuff. reinvented himself in the middle of the summer and embraced supply-side economics, embraced jack kemp s economic philosophy. he believed he needed to do that to energize the republican base and give himself something big to fall on. i saw shades in romney s announcement. have you a same guy, similar guy, not trusted by the republican party base. you need something to define the campaign. what did he do? what did it look like he would do? he would embrace ryanism, the ryan budget, the ryan medicare plan and roll the dice and see if they could sell the press and public, saying they are courageous truth tellers. they are down the positively, summer not going the way they wanted it to go. this is the rifblg you take.
into details into a general election race would be suicidal. what did you pick paul ryan for exactly? you made him abandon his own policies and run against his own plans. you won t let him talk about your policies that you are making him embrace. the thing most people knew about him if they didn t know him as kill medicare guy, they knew he was from the least least popular guy. and the guy who not only lost, but had to parlay the depths of the obscurity into which he fell into a credit card commercial deal a decade later, that s the history. what s the plan here? there has to be a plan here. are you supposedly careful planners. what s the plan? joining us now steve kornathy, he is a writer for salon.com and co-host of an afternoon show on msnbc. i loved the intro, the old
well lived that she is his daughter. we ll be right back. creamy spinach artichoke dip, crispy garlic chicken spring rolls. they re this season s must-have accessory. lean cuisine. be culinary chic. [ male announcer ] you work hard. stretch every penny. but chances are you pay a higher tax rate than him. mitt romney made twenty million dollars in two thousand ten but paid only fourteen percent in taxes. probably less than you now he has a plan that would give millionaires another tax break. and raises taxes on middle class families by up to two thousand dollars a year. mitt romney s middle class tax increase. he pays less. you pay more. to provide a better benefits package. oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at. [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] .forbusiness.com. ha ha!
paul ryan is saying there, she must not be from iowa. it turns out the woman who was yelling at him was from iowa, despite what paul ryan was saying, she later wrote about it on the huffington post. what she was screaming at him about, what the hecklers were screaming about, was paul ryan s machine to kill medicare. paul ryan s plan to medicare is killing local headlines in florida newspapers, the official swing state response to who mitt romney picked as his running mate. if the romney folks could have seen anything coming about paul ryan, they should have seen having the answer for the medicare thing coming. the romney campaign apparently did not plan for that. they did not come up with what they would say about paul ryan s kill medicare plan. when paul ryan was asked about the plan, right after that weekend on sunday, he said i have my budget plan, my budget plan is different, and that s the man we re going to run on
and on monday, he said my plan for medicare is similar to his plan. and then on tuesday he said they were different, and on wednesday, he said that they were close to identical. the most important thing to pick this thing to be on the ticket and the biggest explanation is clear as mud. we didn t think this up. where the republican position on the paul ryan kill medicare plan is being made crystal clear, however, is daily ballot from these guys. republicans across the country and all sorts of states have started running advertisements and saying they are against paul ryan and his plans for medicare. and those among those candidates lucky enough to be able to vote against it have been touted as loudly as they can, they voted no on paul ryan. from denny reyhberg, linda mcmahon, heather wilson, scott brown, all saying they are against paul ryan on the