and issues and does it in a way not necessarily a revverundum about obama. but democrats think they have an opportuni as we discussed they will portray the now romney-ryan budget as medicare ending as we continue . tax breaks for the rich . it is interesting. we are having discussions about very big issues and both sides feel like they have something to offer . brad blake, do you think the obama campaign will have to come out with more details. you have the ryan budget out there for people to wade through. does the obama campaign need to come out with more specifics as well about what they would do to trim the budget and lower the deficits? yes, if reagan and rhine. rather romney and ryan have a plan. it is incumbent to for the
of the top down soviet style approach headed for bankruptcy. paul ryan can get that across in the face of attack ads. if you are on medicare you are safe. you will have it for the rest of your life. if you are above the age of 55. but for younger people there is something newer and exciting that will give you more control over your medical care assets. you know, obviously mr. forbes, governor mitt romney and paul ryan are on the same page. he would pass the ryan budget. congressman ryan voted for the tarp bailout and autobailout. do you think that contrast will be a problem going forward? no, not really. i think in terms of tarp and the approach that paul took at
republican house budget. ryan like romney proposing a tax cut for millionaires and deep cut in education for head start to college aide and would end medicare by turning it into a voucher system and shifting thousands of health care cost to seniors . ryan rubber staped the bush policy that exploded the deficit and exploded our commempt did you see that rubber stamps and radical and all of the buzz words that the obama camp will use in the day ahead. you heard from steven moore on air saying who better to push back against those attacks than the man himself paul ryan who was with gov mitt romney as they took the ticket. congressman ryan was going to make clear he will push back