i think he has a big problem. you bring up a great point, chris. just to add to that, if republicans want to win, however, they re going to have to pick someone a little more moderate for their nominee because otherwise we keep going to the right, we re not going to get anywhere. the problem isn t you re right about the calculation, but the problem isn t you pick someone that can win. arguably mitt romney was the most electable, it is the primary forces you to take extreme positions like you saw with romney on immigration and other issues that he becomes unpalpable for the american public when he wins the nomination. that s the problem the republicans have. all right. last quick comment? i want to go back, republicans have to decide if they want to win or only want to go to the extreme to win a primary. we need to become more center when it comes to especially economic issues. sounds where chris christie wants to go.
when dukakis picked benson x why isn t the ticket reversed? people like romney, but why not have bush. i don t think it s good for the presidential nominee. you never it certainly makes him look self-assured that he s willing to pick someone like that. when you endorse someone and call them a doctor you don t like what was that, jeb? that was rudy giuliani. do we have that soundbyte? have you seen it? he haven t gotten over 08. remember where this is coming from. the guys who ran they hate romney. they hate him. they hate him. mike huckabee who likes everybody, i don t think he s resentful of mitt. he went after romney on immigration. it made rudy crazy. here is rudy giuliani
latino vote. i think, look, latinos immigration is not the number one issue. but the dream act a ton of coverage in the hispanic media. how impactful is that? it is important. i have to say to give credit to governor romney, starting to clarify his position on immigration. on the dream act, he said he now supports a modality of the dream act, giving legal status to those who came here illegally as minor it is they are following serve in the armed forces, that is a step forward. i think if romney continues to clarify his position, how he wants to reform the legal immigration process that may actually help him with latino voters. ray, let me ask you, a lot of hispanics, devout catholics, did anything that happen last week in that debate about contraception and the catholic church worry you as somebody who is simply trying to get the hispanic vote out in big numbers for democrats? not surprisingly, because and not i don t want to overstate it but latinos often
the problem is that deportations, going to deport 1.5 million individuals and that s something that is not getting a lot of play in account republicans cap that argument? absolutely. under george bush, we had less if george bush was running it would be great. but romney is talking about self-deportation. for late teen know, self-deportation is better than forceful deportations. depend house he handles the issue. i don t think we have heard everything from romney on immigration, clarify his position, in the end, does become the nominee, have a more constructive position. on the hhs it will an impact on late team knows, for them, not only an attack on religious liberty but their church. have to leave it there. thank you both. thank you, chuck. good respectful debate. respectful disagreement. i appreciate that. our political panel will be here next. how will the budget battles on the hill, how are they being felt on the campaign trail? first, the white house son of
that has had a very negative impact in the community. at the end of his term, barack obama would have deported 1.5 million individuals. that s definitely much more than george bush or any president. you know, alfonso, we hear that from you, we don t hear that from the republican presidential candidates don t want to talk about that part of immigration do you think this will have an impact? is there hispanic disappointment out there the president hasn t gone further on immigration, retorically does, actually put his physical shoulder into it? absolutely. i think taking a step back, if governor romney right now was running and not candidate romney, the president would have a run for his money, governor romney very much talked about the importance of immigration, he really talked about business, he talked about taxes. he talked about education in a way that was actually very open to the latino community. unfortunately, right now, we have candidate romney who is talking about deportati