plentiful, incomes won t be rising, they can t afford college. these are the concerns people have, and that is not the america i know. it has always been american to believe the future is brighter than the past. we have to have a president who believes that. i do. i m optimistic about the future of this country. let me just make that real clear, we do not have to be a nation in decline. we do not have to be seeing what we have seen the last three and a half years. we just have to have someone who knows how to lead to get us back to have the right kind of economy that america deserves. bill: there is a lot more than that. i spoke with mr. romney and his wife ann, as we get a little more personnel now this is the romney family barbecue on memorial day. they have a large family. they had little less than half the family there. part one of the full interview tomorrow, then part two on thursday a little later this week. martha: too bad they don t have any cute grandchildren, you know. bill: