Decide what it is and who gets to decide on two issues and whether a District Court can disregard a directly on Point Holding by the United States Supreme Court namely baker versus nation and whether term rights whether there will be a new right whether it should be done through the amendment process or courts on the due process doctrine. So theres Common Ground on this case, but the u. S. Constitution doesnt directly address samesex marriage, seems to turn to the subject of due process. The relevant test is is whether or not the right thats being asserted is objectively, deeply rooted in this nations history and tradition. And implicit in the concept of liberty such that you cant conceive of liberty or Justice Without it and samesex marriage does not have that necessary historical deep root. Its something what do you say about the fact that one could have said the same thing about lawrence . Well, with respect to lawrence, the Lawrence Court has not directly addressed it but something