On 27 March 2023, Franz Fayot, Minister for Development Cooperation and
Humanitarian Affairs, and Yuriko Backes, Minister of Finance, signed with
Alfred Hannig, Executive Director of the Alliance for Financial Inclusion, the
extension of the cooperation agreement with the European Representative Office
of AFI during an official ceremony at the Luxembourg House of Financial
On 27 March 2023, Franz Fayot, Minister for Development Cooperation and
Humanitarian Affairs, and Yuriko Backes, Minister of Finance, signed with
Alfred Hannig, Executive Director of the Alliance for Financial Inclusion, the
extension of the cooperation agreement with the European Representative Office
of AFI during an official ceremony at the Luxembourg House of Financial
On 27 March 2023, Franz Fayot, Minister for Development Cooperation and
Humanitarian Affairs, and Yuriko Backes, Minister of Finance, signed with
Alfred Hannig, Executive Director of the Alliance for Financial Inclusion, the
extension of the cooperation agreement with the European Representative Office
of AFI during an official ceremony at the Luxembourg House of Financial