Bollywood star Katrina Kaif took to Instagram on January 9 to share captivating photos with her Merry Christmas co-star Vijay Sethupathi. The duo was seen twinning in white, creating a visually appealing post that generated excitement among fans. |
Bollywood star Katrina Kaif sends love to Salman Khan on his 58th birthday with a touching message, celebrating their 'Tiger' journey and Salman's authenticity. |
"What use are you to me? This is my house now." Netflix has unveiled an official trailer for a mysterious romantic crime film called Locked In, a tricky thriller about locked in syndrome. This is set to premiere on Netflix in November this fall. The first feature directed by award-winner Nour Wazzi follows the unhappy
The film has been the talk of the town for many reasons, mainly for being the first film to be shot in Delhi s Mukherjee Nagar, the hub of Hindi medium UPSC preparations. 12th Fail: Vikrant Massey’s Film To Hit Theatres on October 27.