(Archived document, may contain errors) 11/3/86 28 MAKING ROMANIA'PAY FOR VIOLATING WORKERS" RIGHTS (Updating "Why Romania No Longer Deserves to Be a Most Favored Nation," Heritage Backgrounder No. 441, June 26, 1985.)
(Archived document, may contain errors) 10/17/85 97 ROMANIA DOES NOT.-.- DESERVE. 1 SPECIAL U.S. FAVORS Congressional concern for promoting human rights evinced in its demands for economic sanctions against South Africa, in fairness, should also apply to Romania. The regime of Nicolad Ceausescu is one of the world's most repressive dictatorships. Yet Romani a continues to be given special and generous treatment by the U.S.
(Archived document, may contain errors) 8/1/86 18 ROMANIA BREAKS ITS BARGAIN WITH THE U.S. ON TRADE FAVORS (Updating Backgrounder No. 441,, "Why Romania No Longer Deserves to be a Most Favored Nation," June 26, 1985.)