a little update, 419 delegates at stake. let s take a look. right now, mitt romney has 407, rick santorum with 169. newt gingrich, 102, ron paul, 41. of course, you need 1,144 delegates to get the republican nomination. we are not there yet. gregg? gregg: all right. joining us, dee dee benke, from the republican young federation. and jimu greenis here, fox news contributor. i am not going to read all of that again. you are just the panel. uncle thanks.
jamie: rom scprom rick santorum did duke it out in ohio, but romney claimed the victory. peter, give us more insight, if you can. it was a long night. but mitt romney now claims victory in ohio. what does it mean? reporter: jamie, it s interesting if you look at fox news exit polls, almost two-thirds of ohio voters think that governor romney s experience in the private sector will better prepare him to be president than santorum s experience in washington. so the voters are looking to hire a nominee and they like to see private-sector experience on the resume. jamie: interesting. it really is reflective of the
he has hurt himself badly. jamie: what is the power of the female vote? a woman in a household pretty much makes the decision for everybody in the household? particularly young women. what s their state of mind? the demographic here, we are the important ones in this group because it is going to be the independent women that decide who wins the white house this time around. 60-40% women and independent group. and mitt romney s going to do very well with them. he already is. thank goodness he won? what do they want? someone who really is going to give us jobs, who is going to be aware of women s issues, who is not going to make statements like what newt gingrich has said and rush limbaugh and rick santorum, that would be the deght nel for us. deathnel for us. tonight was vare very important for the republican party and for mitt romney to do well. gregg: you are a protracted,
you never know. barbara bush robo-cull calling. but tony, commit. what about santorum, if he were to edge out and become the nominee, who does he need by his side to bring in the people that are not in favor of some of his, let s say, social policies and beliefs? you know, look, i don t know what the real rule of thumb is with vice-presidential candidates. bill clinton picked al gore, ronald reagan picked the opposite of him, george h.w. bush. i think rick santorum s issue is that he has eliminated himself as a potential vice-president to mitt romney, which is a much more likely scenario and something that could have happened, particularly because of santorum s ability to appeal to a more blue-collar voters. but i don t think that s happening. gregg: let s bring in the women analysts. you all saw it, newt gingrich s
country night now that everybody is looking for the person who can change the economy and find jobs. but what are senator santorum s strengths? what did we learn tonight? reporter: ohio, it took a very long time to call it because it was so close. young people, the under 30 set picked senator santorum, most. 37%. romney was the runner-up with 28% of the young folks. congressman paul with 25%. and senator santorum scored with independents in ohio, they can be helpful in a general election and they are generally help envelope open primaries like ohio, but despite 37% of them, compared to romney, santorum was second in the biggest prize, the buckeye state. jamie: in georgia? what do we attribute newt gingrich s win? do we have a breakdown of who showed up and went his way? reporter: georgia,