A spokesman for the firm told the
Scottish Sun: We recognise that the transmission of coronavirus in the community will impact our employees in the same way as it does the general population; however, we can confirm that the store is not otherwise associated with an outbreak. We continue to follow government guidelines on all aspects of helping to prevent the spread of the virus. This includes both good communication with and between our employees and supporting the voluntary testing programmes available to all.
Caroline Crawford, said: Still prisoners until the end of April. Fraser Irvine added: Should be illegal this, absolute torture. Gee Doll wrote: Pure scunnered. It s like a prison sentence, two more months , wrote Janice Hay. Some readers criticised the government for not keeping Scotland on a full-lockdown from March last year, while others raised concerns about the return of schools. Jen McCrea said: If we had had full lockdown from day one it would probably be over. To have people flying in and not checked etc was criminal. Also, what harm is there in fully opening hairdressers, golf clubs, small shops, sports halls etc. If the procedures are in place and people observe them surely some people can get back to earning their living.