In the health care is a principal factor. New numbers show the administration is nowhere near hitting their ambitious target of enrolling 7 million amerins through the obamacare website. Just under 365 people have signed up for obamacare in the first two months. And at less than a third of the 1. 2 Million People that officials have projected to enroll nationwide by the end of last month. Kathleen sebelius appeared for only a second time since the debut of the obamacare website in october. She testified and came prepared. Calling for an investigation of herself, her very own website. And Speaker Boehner blasted conservative critics announced by senator murray and congressman paul ryan. Joining us now is a member of the houston public and leadership. Congressman bob good law, the chairman of the house judiciary committee. Its great to have you with us, mr. Chairman. Always great to be with you in your viewers. And that is a prsident who does not do entitlement reform, a sentiment and tr
In the health care is a principal fator. New numbers show the administration is nhere near hitting their ambitious trget of enrolling 7 million americans through the obamacare website. Just uder 365 people have signed up for obare in the first two months. And at less than a third of the 1. 2 Million People that officials have projected to enroll nationwide by the end of last month. Kathleen sebelius appeared for on a second time since the debut of the obamare website in october. She testified and came prepared. Calling for an investigation of herself, her very own website. And spker boehner blasted conservative critics announc by senator muray and congressman paul ryan. Joining us now is member of the houston public an leership. Congressman bob good law, the chairman of the house judiciary committee. Its great he you with us, mr. Chairman. Always great to be with you in your viewers. And that is a president who does notdo entitlement reform, a sentiment and transcended that will not do
In the health care is a principal factor. New numbers show the administration is nowhere near hitting their ambitious target of enrolling 7 million americans through the obamacare website. Just under 365 people have signed up for obamacare in the first two months. D at less than a third of the 1. 2 Million People that officials have projected to enroll nationwide by the end of last month. Kathleen sebelius appeared for only a second time since the debut of the obamacare website in october. She testified and came prepared. Calling for an investigation of herself, her very own website. And Speaker Boehner blasted conservative critics announced by senator murray and congressman paul ryan. Joing us now is a member of the houston public and leadership. Congressman bob good law, the chairman of the house judiciary committee. Its great to have you with us, mr. Chairman. Always great to be with you in your viewers. And that is a president who does not do entitlement reform, a sentiment and tra
In the health care is a principal factor. New numbers show the administration is nowhere near hitting their ambitious target of enrolling 7 million americans through the obamacare website. Just under 365 people have signed up for obamacare in the first two months. And at less than a third of the 1. 2 Million People that officials have projected to enroll nationwide by the end of last month. Kathleen sebelius appeared for only a second time since the debut of the obamacare website in october. She testified and came prepared. Calling for an investigation of herself, her very own website. And Speaker Boehner blasted conservative critics announced by senator murray and congressman paul ryan. Joining us now is a member of the houston public and leadership. Congressman bob good law, the chairman of the house judiciary committee. Its great to have you with us, mr. Chairman. Always great to be with you in your viewers. And that is a president who does not do entitlement reform, a sentiment and