As Charmaine Byfield Goldson and her husband Everton Goldson searched through the charred remains of what was once their two-bedroom house, they marvelled that none of their three Bibles was destroyed. “Mi lose everything but this will be our.
A donation of six desktop computers from the Vaz Preparatory School Past Students Association (VPSPSA), in collaboration with the Florida Atlantic University, has brought hope to Unity Preparatory School, whose computer lab was burglarised five.
OPERATIONS AT the Jamaica Post’s Central Sorting Office (CSO) on South Camp Road in Kingston were not significantly impacted by a fire which razed a section of the building and forced the suspension of services yesterday. As such, services will.
AT age 21 Antwayne Williams made history by becoming the youngest president of the Marcus Garvey People's Political Party (MGPPP) two weeks ago.
Having grown up in different inner-city communitie.
The only roof Ann Marie White has known for herself and her family of six went up in a blaze last Friday on Hannah Street, Allman Town, Kingston. It has been four days since the horrific incident, and White said she is nowhere close to picking up.