capitol higrilled about the fast and furious fiasco. and no interest. and catholic church about hits belief. is the issue getting the coverage it deserves and your favorite news canal marks ten years at the top. on the panel this week, writer and fox news contributor, judy miller. syndicated columnist cal thomas, jim pinkerton contributing editor the americanonservative magazine and host, alan colmes, i m jon scott, fox news watch is on right now. . jamie: i m in this race because i care about americans. i m not concerned about the very poor, we have a safety net there. and it needs repair i ll fix t i m not concerned about the very rich, that s fine. i m concerned about the very heart of america, the 90, 95% of americans right now who are struggling. jon: mitt romney on cnn the day after winning the florida republican primary, the media focused on the very first part of his phrase there, jim, where he said i m not concerned about the the very poor. everybody jumped
newt gingrich is siurging. mitt romney is admitting that tomorrow end in defeat for him. speaker gingrich has come back, had a strong performance in a debate monday night and a strong performence last night. your ex-wife gave an interview with abc news. in it, she said you came to her in 1999, at a time where you were having an affair, she said you asked her, sir, to enter into an open marriage. would you like to take time to respond to that. no, but i will. i think the destructive, vicious, negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office, and i m appalled that you would begin tapresidential debate on a tuppic like that. is that all you want to say, sir? let me finish. please. every person in here knows personal pain. every person in here has had someone close to them go through painful things. to take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary, a significant questio
were having an affair, she said you asked her, sir, to enter into an open marriage. would you like to take time to respond to that. no, but i will. i think the destructive, vicious, negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office, and i m appalled that you would begin tapresidential debate on a tuppic like that. is that all you want to say, sir? let me finish. please. every person in here knows personal pain. every person in here has had someone close to them go through painful things. to take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary, a significant question in a presidential campaign is as close to despicable as anything i can imagine. last night, our david gergen called that the most dramatic moment in debate history. abc news is pushing back hard on another claim, that he offered up his friends from back then to refute the story. he said they weren t interested,
interview with abc news. in it, she said you came to her in 1999, at a time where you were having an affair, she said you asked her, sir, to enter into an open marriage. would you like to take time to respond to that. no, but i will. i think the destructive, vicious, negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office, and i m appalled that you would begin tapresidential debate on a tuppic like that. is that all you want to say, sir? let me finish. please. every person in here knows personal pain. every person in here has had someone close to them go through painful things. to take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary, a significant question in a presidential campaign is as close to despicable as anything i can imagine. last night, our david gergen called that the most dramatic moment in debate history. abc news is pushing back hard on another claim, that he offere
here. everybody has welcomed us so warmly. we appreciate it. a thought of enthusiasm in the state of south carolina tonight, and we begin with raw paul tblgs. down to the bire. the primary, first in the south is tomorrow. newt gingrich is siurging. mitt romney is admitting that tomorrow end in defeat for him. speaker gingrich has come back, had a strong performance in a debate monday night and a strong performence last night. your ex-wife gave an interview with abc news. in it, she said you came to her in 1999, at a time where you were having an affair, she said you asked her, sir, to enter into an open marriage. would you like to take time to respond to that. no, but i will. i think the destructive, vicious, negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office, and i m appalled that you would begin tapresidential debate on a tuppic like that. is that all you want to say, sir? let me