Lätist pärit Marija Katrīna Dambe ja Saksamaal sündinud Florian Betat, kes püstitasid linnafestivali Uit raames Toomemäe külje alla Tartus installatsiooni "Linna-aarete raamatukogu", rääkisid Sirbile oma installatsioonist, põhimõtetest ja jätkusuutlikust ehitamisest.
This week, the 12th installment of the Stencibility street art festival will take place in Tartu, during which several new street art works will be added to the urban space. ERR s Kultuur portal has created an overview of the most exciting works from past festivals.
Festival organizers wish to retain the creative freedom of participating artists as the most important element of street art. Wall owners have given their permission for the surfaces to be used, but the artists will decide the content of their art independently. The artworks will be developed on the location, inspired by the surrounding environment, people and conversations.