I have seen Rep. Laurel Libby in action. She has helped all the causes that affect my life and faith. She is a courageous fighter for our community. Her strong beliefs are a joy to see in this crazy world that we live in. She is a fighter, and she has my vote. I hope […]
My neighbor Roland Bergeron brought attention to longstanding unsafe conditions on Merrow Road (“Auburn road is dangerous, needs reconstruction,” June 23) and called for action by city employees and leaders. Merrow Road consists of two distinct sections, the industrial park and our residential neighborhood. While the road in the industrial park is sub par, the […]
Over two years ago Merrow Road in Auburn was approved for a project of reconstruction. Only funds were required for it to happen. Money came into the state, so I wonder why this project has been placed on the back burner. People should take a ride on this road and see why it is badly […]
Sacred Heart Church in Auburn has selected Roland Bergeron to be the chairman of its 100th anniversary celebration. Founded in 1923, the first masses were celebrated in a barn on the property where the existing church was eventually built. Bergeron has a long history with the parish, according to a news release from the church. […]