The book follows Roland Baines, a lackluster poet and pianist, from his schoolboy days in the 1960s to when he's an elderly man living in COVID-era Britain.
FICTION: An ambitious novel charts the relationship between an ordinary man s travails and decades of geopolitical upheaval. "Lessons" by Ian McEwan; Alfred A. Knopf (448 pages, $30) ——— It s the
In “Lessons,” the hero is seduced by his piano teacher when he’s 14, then abandoned by his wife while he passively watches history unfold. Are these events connected?
“Lessons,” by Ian McEwan (Alfred A. Knopf) “Roland occasionally reflected on the events and accidents, personal and global, minuscule and momentous that had formed and determined his existence.” That one sentence in Ian McEwan’s new novel, “Lessons,” nicely sums up the book.