Naomi Campbell graced the runway for Burberry s showcase at London Fashion Week, where the iconic British brand unveiled its latest collection inspired by the city s rainy weather. The show featured luxurious outerwear, including trench coats and oversized duffels, alongside military-inspired designs and the brand s signature check print.
LONDON (AP) For Londoners, rain is simply a fact of life. But for Burberry, it’s the inspiration for seemingly endless variations of luxurious outerwear, from the heritage brand’s best-selling trench coat to oversized duffels and fur-lined bombers. The British fashion house showcased its latest designs Monday at London Fashion Week to a soulful Amy […]
LONDON (AP) For Londoners, rain is simply a fact of life. But for Burberry, it’s the inspiration for seemingly endless variations of luxurious outerwear, from the heritage brand’s best-selling trench coat to oversized duffels and fur-lined bombers. The British fashion house showcased its latest designs Monday at London Fashion Week to a soulful Amy […]
For Londoners, rain is simply a fact of life. But for Burberry, it’s the inspiration for seemingly endless variations of luxurious outerwear, from the heritage brand’s best-selling trench coat to oversized duffels and fur-lined bombers. The British fashion house showcased its latest designs Monday at London Fashion Week to a soulful Amy Winehouse soundtrack interspersed with a woman’s voice saying “I love London . the smell of London when it rains.”
Burberry s latest designs at London Fashion Week featured outerwear inspired by London rain, including trench coats and fur-lined bombers. | Fashion Trends