Oxford Online Pharmacy Reports Spike in Sales of Erectile Dysfunction Meds in Countdown to Christmas
OXFORD, England, Dec. 23, 2020 /PRNewswire/ Leading online chemist: www.oxfordonlinepharmacy.co.uk has recorded its highest spike in sales of ED meds this year, with a 52% increase in the first two weeks of December.
The figures looked at combined sales of ED medication including: Sildenafil (generic Viagra), Cialis (Tadalafil), a longer lasting alternative, and injectable ED meds Caverject and Viridal, which are delivered straight to the shaft of the penis.
Owner and chief pharmacist Stuart Gale explains: We ve spotted some really interesting trends in online pharmacy due to COVID-19 over the past ten months, some more surprising than others. We saw sales of Viagra dip during lockdown (-10%), no doubt driven by the lack of people being able to get together. When restrictions lifted temporarily, we saw an upturn on pre lockdown figures (+10%). Then surprisingly, during the seco