Birth registration of Rohingya children: Rohingya children often struggle to access birth registration, which means they have no official records regarding their existence. This makes them vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, prevents them from exercising other rights, and receiving legal recognition and protection as children.
Rohingya crisis: Bangladesh, in the aftermath of the double economic shocks of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, is struggling to provide for the Rohingyas, especially because of the ever-dwindling funds from the international community. As a result, the Rohingyas are helplessly drowning in their own misery.
Rohingya crisis: Bangladesh, in the aftermath of the double economic shocks of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, is struggling to provide for the Rohingya, especially because of the ever-dwindling funds from the international community. As a result, the Rohingyas are helplessly drowning in their own misery.