At least two high-profile Russian officials have called on the Kremlin to use nuclear weapons against Ukraine in retaliation for an alleged drone strike on Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin residence and as the prospect of an imminent Ukrainian counteroffensive looms.
Russia now has a Duma that is more nationalist and less democratic.While emerging democracy is often a two-steps-forward,one-step-back proposition, it is in everyone's interest that Russiapursue civic society, free markets, and political liberty. The U.S.and the West should not hesitate to remind Moscow of this.
A Russian company has declared that they are modifying one of their ground robots to be able to target M1 Abrams and Leopard tanks, which are being sent to Ukraine by the United States, Germany, Poland, and other countries.
The former CEO of Russian space agency Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, told Sputnik that satellite imagery had helped spot the howitzer from which he was attacked in Donetsk