SIR – I was amused to learn that the green lobby feels Rowan Atkinson is partially to blame for the slowdown in consumers buying electric cars because he described them as lacking in soul (report, February 7). If consumers truly valued soul as well as function, then I doubt there would be many new cars on the road at all, as most look as if they plopped out of the same jelly mould. Consumers are not idiots. People choose not to buy electric cars because they are relatively expensive – to purchas
4 March 2021 • 12:02am
Lady of the manor, 11th-century Godiva, cradles a cat at St George’s church, Woolhope
Credit: Liam Bunce/Alamy
SIR – The Rev David Keighley says: “It is sinful not to sell empty churches” (report, March 2). By his definition, my local parish church is “a museum gathering dust”. I beg to differ.
Our congregations rarely exceed 30, other than for major festivals and (in non-Covid circumstances) weddings and funerals, but possibly they have not done so for centuries past.
Yet the church has been at the heart of the village since before the Norman Conquest and, God willing, will remain so for at least another millennium.