Gold Country memories
“A road trip through Jewish Gold Country” (Nov. 25) was a fabulous article, well written and long overdue. This is not a criticism, because it’s this type of information that your readers should know about.
I love Jewish history of Northern California and I have been aware of the rich history in the Mother Lode since I was a teenager. When I was old enough to drive, I went along Highway 49 and explored many of the Gold Rush towns and found the Jewish cemeteries.
Fast-forward to my 20s and then 30s, when I was in the Young Adults Division. While I met lots of nice folks, I didn’t especially like the atmosphere of the “Blue Mondays,” often held at very crowded venues. So in the spring of 1983, with the blessing of YAD, I organized a Sunday bus trip to a Jewish cemetery in Jackson, with the specific reason to remove the weeds and clean it up.