wife was talking at the time to 9-1-1 dispatch. and i said, he s dead. roger and pam took a polygraph tests. and what do you know, roger was found to be deceptive. and pam was jumpy. the operator couldn t complete the task. but still roger and panned swore up-and-down brought they had nothing to do with it. they were victims himself. truth be told, the police needed some real evidence. when out of the blue, something arrived. investigators are confronted with new evidence and strange does not begin to describe it. someone saw the killing in a dream. coming up i have a photo lineup drawn up. and she puts her finger on it, she puts it right on roger s face. when dateline continues. ontinues
told the truth and then they would hunt them down and kill them. then the two men left. roger and pam waited a while, got off the zip ties, and roger run upstairs while pam filed one 9-1-1. she was on the phone with the operator when roger found his father upstairs in the bathroom. and i saw my father kneeling over the bathtub. his feet were tied, his head was down in the bathtub. inconceivable. tough, brazilian, i m to the teeth, murdered with his own kitchen knife? what a story. warwick with the wet sign as one of the lead detectives. he was sitting in the office when, from up of the house, the first officer to talk to pam and roger called them. i said, you know, something isn t right here. it seems from his perception that something was staged, or
it with his wife darla. and he would say this is where you and i are going to end up, because there is going to be a nuclear war. i would say i, don t want to live if everybody else is. dying [laughs] so, he was a true patriot. he worried about things and wanted to be prepared for the civil war that was going to erupt. so, he was little over the top. darla was it thrilled about it. but she accepted him and his radical views. after all, they were still kind of in their honeymoon phase. it was all kind of surreal. i think we both felt like we were back being teenagers again. [laughs] so because we both had a really had love for quite a few years. they found each other late in life. after both had raised families. kay had three adult children by then. one of whom, his eldest, roger, stayed close. he was my best friend. we did everything together. mind you, roger was not at all like kay.
parents. cops run into it all the time. right? they say they do. and, that s clearly what they were thinking when they talk to you. yes. did that make them clear? they did make very much clear to us. they just said we were not being cooperative with them. even though from the very beginning we told them everything that happened. they just didn t believe it. they didn t believe that two people would kill one person and leave two more alive. perhaps. but what about roger and pans apparent financial troubles? we were not having any financial problems. if we were having financial problems, my father would be glad to help us! we have a kind of relationship. they were certainly not debt free, they said. but it didn t amount to a whole lot. that s when the pile of consent mortgage coupons. they simply started paying online, they said, like
along. though sergeant knutzen still had trouble believing it. i could pick up a case and we threw it and i can read through it and i can see discrepancy, after discrepancy. i can see but can t you see where maybe that isn t enough? yes. as for treating as possible evidence, the dream sequence of a girl on meth? this is evidence? well it s more it s a lead. would you even call that circumstantial evidence? it was definitely a follow-up. it s a dream! it s a good dream. indian, the prosecutor admitted he and the detectives got it wrong. based upon the new physical evidence that we have located, we anticipate dismissing the charges against roger and pam mortensen tomorrow. roger and pam were finally free. those four and a half months