prostitute in colombia. the post was tipped off to the allegations by former post reporter ronald kesler. kesler and on cnn this morning and he says a dozen agents were involved. all 12 agents involved in this situation involving prostitutes. one of the agents did not pay one of the prostitutes and she complained to local police and that s how this all started. police went to the state department. state department told secret service. secret service recalled all the agents. it is really the biggest scandal in secret service history. lothian traveling with the president. dan, i understand you found some information about this scandal and investigation? that s right. this information coming from two u.s. government sources who tucked to my colleague john king. early investigation according to the sources several prostitutes brought back to the hotel by these agents. one of those sources telling our john king that it was the same hotel that president obama was to be stayin
but i have got to try to set the record straight. let me be clear, i have never taken steroids or hgh. harris: the judge scheduling a hearing for september to determine whether to hold a new trial. chief fox correspondent jonathan hunt is live in our new york city newsroom with more on us. jonathan, what evidence were they not supposed to see? well, they were watching more of that video testimony from 2008. and in it a member of congress made reference to the wife of clemens former yankee teammate roger petit. the reference concerned laura petit saying that her husband had told her that clemens had, indeed, admitted to him that he took human growth hormone. now, the judge walton had already ruled that that sort of evidence should be inadmissible because it amounted to hearsay. so the minute he heard it on the video, he stopped the trial, took the recess, came back, and ruled that it was a mistrial and he scolded the prosecution