LEBANON Three community mental health agencies serving the Upper Valley received federal grants to expand and sustain their services amid an ongoing workforce shortage and an increase in demand for services following the height of the COVID-19.
Before its 24/7 mobile crisis response team hit the road in January, West Central Behavioral Health reached out to schools, police departments and hospitals to let them know about the one-of-a-kind service available on the New Hampshire side of the.
LEBANON West Central Behavioral Health sent out a letter to its adult clients in Lebanon earlier this summer informing them that due to a workforce shortage, people receiving individual therapy were now being asked to join groups instead.“We.
A 16-year-old high-school student uttered the words, “I’m going to hang myself.”This put the Mobile Crisis Response team at West Central Behavioral Health into action. They received an alert to go to the local high school. In my role as community.