SAN FRANCISCO The Center for Biological Diversity, The Protect Our Communities Foundation and the Environmental Working Group asked the California Supreme Court today to overturn the state’s new rooftop solar policy. The policy, which took effect April 15, significantly slashes the credit new solar users get for sharing extra solar energy with the grid.
San Diego County supervisor Jim Desmond incorrectly said taxpayer funds were going to migrants in Jacumba, but he later corrected the mistake. Now, activists say such misinformation is dangerous. In other news, new statewide data confirms widespread racial disparities in law enforcement stops. Plus, churches in San Diego are getting into the affordable housing business.
Three environmental groups are pushing the 1st District Court of Appeal in San Francisco to reconsider a decision to reject a challenge to the state’s net energy metering rules.
The solar battle continues: Opponents of California's new rules seek a rehearing. Changes made by the California Public Utilities Commission continues to spark challenges