The video, from September 2, shows police speaking with Xana Kernodle, after they are called to the home because of a noise complaint. Kernodle, along with three other Idaho students, would be brutally murdered inside that same home a few weeks later.
MOSCOW (Idaho Statesman) – The Christmas break has not yielded much new information from police in the investigation into the fatal stabbings of four University of Idaho students. Developments have occurred, though, including a U of I professor suing an internet sleuth and the Moscow Police Department confirming a car found in Oregon is not […]
UPDATE MOSCOW (Idaho Statesman) — Investigators have spoken with the owner of the white 2013 Hyundai Elantra found in Eugene, Oregon, and do not believe she has any connection to the Moscow homicide investigation, police said in a news release. The vehicle is registered in Colorado, police said, and the owner was involved in a […]