Kinky Boots,
The Lion King,
Rent), Parke states To have just one of these names is a coup but to have all three performing and collaborating together in Launceston is nothing short of a miracle. Each are wonderful singers who are rarely seen outside of big commercial musicals in Melbourne and Sydney, each are passionate educators, and each are committed to finding new ways of exploring Musical Theatre in Australia, while celebrating the rich history of what has been. The Festival will be a meeting place to develop new work, celebrate the classics and engage in local Launceston culture, through the elements of Musical Theatre; song, dance and story.
The naked tumble that launched a career
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The naked tumble that launched a career
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When Richard Piper said yes to his first acting role in Melbourne, he didn t know what he d signed up for. It involved me rolling off the stage absolutely naked and then running up the aisle. He pauses for dramatic effect. These days are long gone I think.
Richard Piper came to Melbourne to perform at the Last Laugh in the 1980s and soon made it his home.
Credit:Eddie Jim