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JEJU - Dongsuh Foods and Starbucks have marked cumulative sales of 1 billion Starbucks ready-to-drink (RTD) coffee beverages in Korea since 2006 when they launched the joint business. The achievement is meaningful for both firms as they pioneered the local RTD market, which was scaled at only 170 billion won ($133 million) 17 years ago. In 2022, the market reached 1.45 trillion won.
JEJU ― Dongsuh Foods and Starbucks have marked cumulative sales of 1 billion Starbucks ready-to-drink (RTD) coffee beverages in Korea since 2006 when they launched the joint business. The achievement is meaningful for both firms as they pioneered the local RTD market, which was scaled at only 170 billion won ($133 million) 17 years ago. In 2022, the market reached 1.45 trillion won.
Utz Brands, Inc. (NYSE: UTZ) (“Utz” or the “Company”), a leading U.S. manufacturer of branded salty snacks, has announced that, after 27 years with the Company, Dylan Lissette, currently Chief Executive Officer, will be appointed Executive Chairman of the Board