This is an average small town, population about 10,000. Pleasant homes. Some industry. Main street. One of the 10,000andodd inhabitants is and wheeler is anne wheeler, 14 years old and a student at the local junior high. This is roger cartwright, he is 14 years old and goes to the same school. There are lots of things we can tell you about anne and roger. Where they live, their parents, the subjects they like at school. But one thing we dont have to tell you, it is plain as day, anne and roger are healthy, sturdy, physically fit. Nothing very remarkable about that. For most young people these days, good health is something to be almost taken for granted. Well then, have you ever stopped to think why these young people, like most of us, dont have to worry about their health . Why is that so . Take this glass of water, for instance. What does a glass of water have to do with annes health . It is quite simple, really. When water falls from the sky as rain, it may be pure and fit to drink,