chance. i received a second chance. sometimes they deserve a third, fourth, fifth chance. i don t believe as human beings, we can give up on another human being. we must plan for our sobriety because it has so many negative consequences. rodriguez greggs, serving one year for possession of a controlled substance while arm and possession for sale, has three weeks into a series of classes that smith has selected for him. f u make a tempora decision that you re not going to come back, guess what? it s only temporary. you ll be back. greggs says he was recently given an opportunity to leave the facility on home detention, but has decided to stay. after i started participating in classes, it made me gain a lot of knowledge. that made me change my whole perspective about home detention. they ve got the classes out there but i think in here, they pay more attention to you and
so they say ron, you don t understand it. you don t understand what i m going through. i can say, wait a minute, i was here. i was in the same colored shirt as you was. and now i know what it takes to live a better life. when i was locked up here, there was no counselor for me to communicate with. there was no program in place at that time. but with ab 109, when they get out, they can be a transformed individual. rather than just doing time with no rehabilitation. yeah, this is ron from reentry. i m looking to get mr. greggs if you can get him sent to te 8, i would appreciate it. sure. all right, thanks. rodriguez greggs was convicted a week earlier. for possession of a controlled substance while armed and possession of marijuana for sale. he was sentenced to one year and will serve his time at real consumas. this is my first time being here so it s kind of scary being here with people who got all of these type of charges. this doesn t even seem like a jail.
live a better life. when i was locked up here, there was no counselor for me to communicate with. there was no program in place at that time. but with ab 109, when they get out, they can be a transformed individual. rather than just doing time with no rehabilitation. yeah, this is ron from reentry. i m looking to get mr. greggs if you can get him sent to gate 8, i would appreciate it. sure. all right, thanks. rodriguez greggs was convicted a week earlier. for possession of a controlled substance while armed and possession of marijuana for sale. he was sentenced to one year and will serve his time at real consumas. this is my first time being here so it s kind of scary being here with people who got all of these type of charges. this doesn t even seem like a jail. it seems like a prison. and they lot of people live like this is their home. i can t live like that here. i don t feel like this is my home.
rodriguez greggs, serving one year for possession of a controlled substance while arm and possession for sale, has three weeks into a series of classes that smith has selected for him. if you make a temporary decision that you re not going to come back, guess what? it s only temporary. you ll be back. greggs says he was recently given an opportunity to leave the facility on home detention, but has decided to stay. after i started participating in classes, it made me gain a lot of knowledge. that made me change my whole perspective about home detention. they ve got the classes out there but i think in here, they pay more attention to you and get to know you as a person, instead of oh, that s just a convict. so if you don t have the mind-set to plan for sobriety, then you don t know where you re going. your mind is like the map. greggs said there s been another development since he first arrived. when i first came here, i wasn t eating because i thought the food was nasty.
i can say, wait a minute, i was here. i sat i was in the same colored shirt as you was. and now i know what it takes to live a better life. when i was locked up here, there was no counselor for me to communicate with. there was no program in place at that time. but with ab 109, when they get out, they can be a transformed individual. rather than just getting out with no rehabilitation. yeah, this is for re-entry. i m looking to get mr. greggs sent up to gate 8. i d appreciate it. sure. all right, thanks. rodriguez greggs was convicted a week earlier. for possession of a controlled substance while armed and possession of marijuana for sale. he was sentenced to one year and will serve his time at real consumas. this is my first time being here so it s kind of scary being here with people who got all of these type of charges. this doesn t even seem like a jail. it seems like a prison.