history is the countries the 1st left us later. and russia threatened to retaliate after lithuanian bars some route trans transit to moscow s baltic. sea exclaim of kellen in brand ah, we begin the program with breaking news is rouse prime minister and if talley bennett and foreign minister yet lapierre have agreed to dissolve parliament. the move is expected to force the country s 5th election in less than 3 and a half years. that period we ll take the roll of inch from prime minister until the poles. for more on this let s bring in bernard smith, who joins us live from west jerusalem. bernard talk us through the details of what s happened. this coalition government has been stumbling along for the last few weeks. it s a miracle in many israelis, eyes that is lasted as long as it has one year. it was the strangest coalition government, israel s ever seen, a combination of parties on the far right the right, the left. and the 1st time that palestinian israelis had been involv