Young Chimodzi ranks among the greatest defenders to have graced the fields of Malawi, owing to his leadership qualities, cool demeanor and a knack for scoring goals.
Cool, calm and collected on the ball, Chimodzi has since called it time on his football career, having served Lilongwe childhood club, Silver
The National Football Coaches Association of Malawi has expressed anger over Tigers FC’s management’s decision to fire Rodgers Yasini as the club’s Head Coach at the beginning of this week.
Sacked at Tigers: Yasin (R)
Under Yasini, the team registered a string of losses hence the decision by management of the club to hire Trevor Kajawa who was formerly in charge of Mtopwa Football Club. Kajawa started his job on Tuesday.
The coaches body says it not happy with the way Tigers fired Yasini and has also faulted Kajawa for rushing to take up the job at Tigers.