my hear. treasury secretary tim geithner now in germany for these critical talks this week on dealing with europe s debt crisis. that s ahead of meetings of european leaders on thursday and friday of this week as well. here s a look at some other stories topping the news for you right now. tsa agents at newark airport found a stunning surprise in a passenger s bag this weekend. five grenades, all five were already disarmed. the passenger was allowed to board her plane. tsa officials say there was no impact to airport operations. faa administrator randy babbitt requested an immediate leave from the agency after a weekend dwi arrest in fairfax, virginia. officials within the department of transportation are in talks with their lawyers about babbitt s future employment status. the deputy administrator will serve as acting administrator. a sentencing is under way in the rod blagojevich trial. the two-day hearing for the disgraced former governor will determine his length of time
the jury would have to plea of that her business records and work words were incorrect. to put that picture of her standing next to the pool. baez doesn t think these things through. that girl is standing inches away from the little girl, she exudes competent. she is wearing a lifeguard coast guard life vest to swim in a backyard pool. that is not the actions of a woman who allowed the child to down and didn t call the police. jon: we have to say thank you. we have another fox news alert on another big trial. jenna: listen to this. we do have a verdict on 18 of 20 counts for the rod blagojevich trial. apparently the jury has sent a note to the judge saying they ve come to a unanimous decision on 18 counts. they are not able to come to a decision when it comes to the additional two. remember there are 20. and the judge says, all right, that is okay. we ll get the verdict on those 18 counts between 2 and 3:00
tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. make today the day you talk to your rheumatologist. and ask how you can defend against and help stop further joint damage with humira. coming up on news nation , we are waiting to hear the verdict in the rod blagojevich trial. the jury has reached a decision 18 out of the 20 owns in the last trial, the jurors ended up dead loxed. what s going to happen this time in chicago? this could be the final week of testimony in the casey anthony murder trial. just today a judge ruled that casey is competent to remain on trial for the murder of her
ways, it is hard to follow. it is extreme ly hard tole follow. i have heard from people who are scientists who are watching this case, and they have opinions, 245 the scientists are not presenting fair and accurate information. so, it is all very hard to know what conclusions the jurors will draw, but remember this, and this has to be horrible for those jurors, martin, they can t talk to each other at the end of the day about what they have just heard. they jot it down in the notebooks and they can talk about their favorite sporting event or the kids or having for dinner, but they cannot talk to each other about what they have heard, and this has gone on for days upon days upon days and not easy, martin, to make heads or tails of the subject in the courtroom without the ability to turn to somebody saying, do you understand that? that is exactly how i feel, and that is why i am so glad you are down there in orlando, kerry sanders. and we have breaking news with the verdict of the ro