ROCKLAND — A rainbow of warm hats and mittens were piled on the desks at Rockland City Hall Nov. 15, 2023, awaiting sorting and distribution to about 300 pre-school children
ROCKLAND A Union Street building is the focus of a possible zoning change that comes before City Council this month . As of Friday afternoon, March 31, no entity has submitted application paperwork to the Planning Office at City Hall indicating.
ROCKLAND A proposal for a 53-unit affordable senior housing site to be built along Maverick Street between North Main and Birch streets goes before the Rockland Planning Board, Tuesday, June 21. Stanley W. Carleton and Lisa Nash Carleton own the 2.
ROCKLAND The City of Rockland’s Planning Board will meet on Tuesday, March 1 beginning at 5:15 p.m. in the Rockland City Hall Council Chambers. During this meeting, the main point of discussion is a continuation of a former topic, the review of a.
ROCKLAND The owner of a Downtown Rockland building is seeking Planning Board permission to tear down 470 Main Street, and to construct a taller structure in its place. On Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2021, Planning Board members will review owner Amy O’.