Have started that means retailers will be open for Curbside Pickup. After all this shelteringinplace yeah kron fours ray harvey standing by live in san jose. With more on what we can expect there good morning well good morning and as you mentioned the hardest hit county out here in santa clara, but right now this morning. Theyre moving into phase 2 so what can you expect from local businesses and means retail shops like the one behind me will be open this morning but for Curbside Pickup only so you cant go inside and you still have to wear a mask when you come to these retail shops. Now weve seen this play out in other counties across the bay area that have already made their way into phase 2 you can call the retail shop in advance in place in order than when you arrive pick it up at the door pay at the door but making sure you still dont go inside. Now the order allows retail establishment. Also those store fronts that allow the manufacturing and warehousing and logistical operations
A lefty at the that they would say and then you end. The female equivalent of a johnny roach to be and played that at old dominion and i guess the reserves sort of a so and so fast laid from new york city down there in the southern part of the United States right well i think rattling wire right back he started that when he was at South Carolina and sulking at the guys when i when turners went down there to play for you know. You know the end of my choirs like alan duke had bar in Rockaway Beach not far rockaway the broccoli beans in it and dont be tempted in that area right before you got to the i guess its not the gil hodges bridge support of her class. Serious basketball with those cats and fragment glad it was a tough cat for those who dont know her for a rockaways when i 1st moved to new york to do comedy i used to love the look at the subway map i thought it was so cool looking and made me feel like i was in a cosmopolitan place way where you put your folks where they bank and to
Day weekend in Santa Clara County. Is finally starting phase to today where they begin to relax socialdistancing allow retailers to open up for Curbside Pickup. They were the hardest hit bay city yeah in the coronavirus pandemic crawfords arena, harvey there for us now in san jose with more on what we can expect as Santa Clara County enters. Phase 2 reyna. Well good morning, this county is making a comeback the stores here this morning in san jose have signs posted of like the ones behind me talking about mass be require also what you can expect for curb side pick up today so face too means you can come to these retail shops theyre going to open up that you cant go inside you have to pick your items up on the curb and again wearing a mask when you come here. Now we say this again play out in counties around the bay area and so far from people that talk to its been very successful so looking forward to see how it goes out here today now Retail Establishment says store fronts also those
Business this morning and youre wearing a mask for you now as you know Santa Clara County at the most coronavirus cases so theyve made significant strides when it comes to now rolling out this phase 2. Now in addition to these retail establishments, the manufacturers in the warehouses are also allowed to star back to Santa Clara County has been under a shelterinplace order for 2 months and has been called ground 0 here in the bay area now this Holiday Weekend a lot of residents are going to be out and about its a lot of people already out and about this morning we talk to. Some of the residents and they give us their thoughts about moving into phase 2. Been a lot of waiting. A kind of excited because. Being stuck at home get kind of and see kevin event things like that the order has support local businesses and good luck to them. All right how other businesses that can open today include outdoor museums as well as Historic Site as long as visitors remain outside on the sidewalk. I gues
Pay folks welcome to Dennis Miller plus one this is exciting for me were joint as i watched the last dance were joined by arguably the greatest female basketball player ever certainly when i was young she was a huge arrow heroine i dont quite know who said that to me had a beautiful game 510 it in the just an all round game i think she is Nancy Lieberman known on court as lady magic she is currently a broadcaster for the new Orleans Pelicans and head coach of the power a team in the big 3 we can talk about that i think thats 3 personally and she let it to its 2018 championship also a disperser of the rock charity wise through her Charity Foundation doing a lot of great work during the cove 1000 pent demick the great Nancy Lieberman leaves how are you and how are you great to see you hear me. Nice to see it you know its funny when i look back on them one of my favorite players was johnny roach and everybody made the ride on the tobacco road he played Frank Rijkaard out at the South Caro