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Seven members of the New York delegation and Mayor Bill de Blasio took to the City Hall steps to
demand that President Donald Trump be impeached or removed from office via the 25th Amendment for his role in inciting the deadly insurrection at the seat of Congress last week.
As Rockaway Boardwalk Changes Hands, Uncertain Future For Rippers, Caracas, And Others
arrow Scott Lynch / Gothamist
Mayor Bill de Blasio s administration will soon finalize a contract that may result in devastating rent hikes for vendors on Rockaway Beach s beloved boardwalk, including Rippers, Low Tide Bar, and Caracas.
More than a decade after arriving on the beach, the long-time vendor group Rockaway Beach Club learned late last month the city had rejected their proposal to continue running operations at Beach 87th, Beach 97th, and Beach 106th.
Instead, the NYC Parks Department intends to sign a 15-year lease with the Rockaway Beach Bazaar to manage the three concession stands, an agency spokesperson confirmed. Under the new contract, the city will collect an annual fee of $300,000 in the first year roughly three times more than what they received from the existing vendors last year.