we have confronted and will continue to confront h.i.v. aids in our own country and to meet a severe and urgent crisis abroad tonight i plan the emergency plan for aids relief. rock star bono from u2 gave mr. bush credit for saving millions of lives. investment has delivered. entire communities were disseminated. children were living without mothers and fathers u schools went without teachers. hospitals went without nurses and doctors. and today in those same areas we have nearly 13 million people on treatment because of. president obama noticed the incredible tools available to prevent and treat infection. what once seemed like an impossible dream, the dream of an aids-free generation is within our grasp. dr. fouchy says the united states must at this point to lead because the fight isn t over yet. the final holy grail that we re working very hard on is an h.i.v. vaccine.
there are different systems that do some things very well. it s super expensive. we should have an honest conversation about how much we are willing to pay. jesse: we are having an honest conversation right here. rock star bono has a few choice words for president trump.io the attacks from the left continue. coming up. from scandalous romance, to ridiculous plot twists. (gasping) son? dad! we also know you can avoid drama by getting an annual check-up. so we re partnering with cigna to remind you to go see a real doctor. go, know, and take control of your health. it could save your life. doctor poses! dad! cigna. together, all the way. when i feel controlled by frequent, dad! unpredictable abdominal pain or discomfort and diarrhea. i tried lifestyle changes and over-the-counter treatments, but my symptoms keep coming back.
show. rock star bono has a few choice words for president trump. more on the left, next. we are the tv doctors of america, and we may not know much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. from scandalous romance, to ridiculous plot twists. (gasping) son? dad! we also know you can avoid drama by getting an annual check-up. so we re partnering with cigna to remind you to go see a real doctor. go, know, and take control of your health. it could save your life.
but one entrepreneur has done the exact opposite. greg renfru, founder of beauty counter, has spent time in washington lobbying for more rules around her industry. her company is growing rapidly. rock star bono and his wife, alley houston, recently invested in beauty counter after the company acquired houston s line nude skin care. the three are deeply concerned about the toxins they say are used in our everyday products, whh is why runfu twants to see more regulation. as women, when we lock arms or we decide to do something, we move mountains. and that is exactly what greg renfu is doing with her cosmetics line, beauty counter. i started beauty counter because i had become em passioned with the environmental health movement. after watching the documentary, an inconvenient truth, she became concerned about everyday dangers in our environment. i had learned that we were