saying, well, hey, it sounds like what michael cohen did is a very serious crime, with donald trump. i guess that s video donald trump hadn t seen before hiring joe tacopina and now alvin bragg has joe tacopina which could literally take joe tacopina off of this case. trump s defense. and alex, during your hour, there s been a huge development in washington and jack smith s investigation and the grand jury ultra fast-tracked appeal process going on. luckily, we ve got andrew weissmann here and others to discuss this. and later in the hour, because i am wondering how donald trump was feeling tonight, and because everyone who works for donald trump is a liar for donald trump, i don t rely on what the trump staff says, like the new york times does, about how donald trump is i m going to ask them mary trump tonight. oh!
lawyer who was unwitting, saying i learn this information in my client, and we immediately charge both dates with obstruction of justice, and we knew we had a rock solid case. this could be exactly the same thing that happens if the reporting is correct that that is what mr. corcoran is going to. say it may also be the case contemporaneous notes. it is not unusual for a defense lawyer to keep those notes, especially if you are representing someone like donald trump. we know that don mcgahn, and people in the white house did exactly that. they knew they needed to have a record with him, that they couldn t later be confronted by saying, that s not what happened. so, i would be highly surprise of mr. corcoran did not write down exactly what he had been told. yeah, and charles coleman, we have already seen some reports indicating that notes that corcoran s notes who are part of what would be made available to jack smith. by tonight s reporting there is the phrase, audio recordings.
misled by donald trump i put in the certification and i drafted, based on what he told me i did not know it was false or contained false information, because it is what i learned from my client donald trump. this is basically game over. that is incredibly strong evidence of ex struck shun of justice it is a crime to lie to the government. whether you do it directly or through your council. it is exactly what happens with paul manafort and brett gates. judge howell issued the exact same ruling we had the exact same results. we had a lawyer who was unwitting saying i learned this information from my client, and we immediately charged both with obstruction of justice, and knew we had a rock solid case. this is exactly the same thing that happens if the reporting is correct that this is what mr. corcoran will say.
government. evan corcoran wrote a sworn statement signed by another trump lawyer, which they gave to the justice department, anything swearing under oath, that they had turned over all of the government documents and classified documents in donald trump s possession. but when the fbi later executed a search warrant, they found more than 100 additional documents that were marked classified, including in a classified document in donald trump s desk. after trump lawyers swore under oath, to the justice department there was no more classified documents in donald trump s possession, the fbi actually found classified documents in his desk. if donald trump lied to evan corcoran and other lawyers working for him about his possession of those documents, and that is a very strong case
the attorneys are still going to have to go through what was told him by his client in hopes of basically dodging a bullet and hoping that the accountability lands with the doorstep of donald trump. andrew, i remember when we discovered that the sworn statement, basically, that evan corcoran was part of handing over to the fbi, when we discovered that turned out to be totally untrue, i just remembered discovering it live on this program. and all of us thinking, well, he can t be trump s lawyer anymore. he has to immediately go get a criminal defense lawyer and take care of himself. yet he has tried to hang in there as donald trump s lawyer all the way to now. is this the end of his capacity to serve as a donald trump s defense counsel in this case? he would be unlikely to be able to be on