substance. black walnut isn t a flavor of the week. also, says to those naysayers who say people should get out of the race early on because they ll never make a comeback. they point to your story now and say maybe that s not the case. i want to give you a chance to comment, notice, on the other two top men in the race right now. governor perry and governor romney. in the past, you have said that governor perry was insensitive. it was relative to something that came out yesterday, relative to a property that he and his family either leased or owned and they had a very derogatory word on a rock. i don t know the full story, all the details. i said the mere fact that it was there, whoever was responsible was insensitive. that was a statement but i also said, i in no way believe that represents how governor perry feels about black people in this country. you just saw the governor come on to the scene recently and he s been attacked from every angle. he s been on the defensive from