Long Island Republican Rep. Anthony D'Esposito floated a House resolution on Tuesday to condemn cop killer Assata Shakur and those who have celebrated the convicted Black Liberation Army militant like "Squad" Rep. Jamaal Bowman.
The city got its largest snowfall in years on Tuesday, but kids being forced to do remote learning instead of getting a real snow day detracted from the winter wonder.
NYPD Patrolman Phillip Cardillo was beaten and fatally shot with his own gun after responding to call for assistance at the Harlem mosque, with the 28th Precinct officer’s death turning into a political hot potato that left his slaying unsolved to this day.
A trio of gunmen ambushed NYPD Officers Gregory Foster, 22, and Rocco Laurie, 23, near Avenue B and E. 11th St. They came up from behind, opened fire, then unholstered the cops’ revolvers and fired again.