and she was alone and it was perfect. it was a perfect setup. what do you think she saw in you? what was working from her side? probably the bad boy kind of thing. i wasn t your conventional straight laced kind of guy. roc was opened with the detectives. even came across as a good guy. but conceded there were screaming matches with karen and a few rip roaring fights but said she was the instigator. she d get violent, physically violent. just stuff. things would happen. but nobody ever got arrested, but they d come out. they would address the issue. as roc tells it, she gave as good as she got. he dodged a few pieces of thrown crockery. she was ready to stand up for herself at the drop of a hat. she was a tough girl. reporter: roc remembers karen playing hardball about that rolltop desk of his, too, not liking her attitude. i did call her on several occasions about my rolltop desk. the desk. that stupid desk and it was bugging me.
were there some sparks there, roc? yeah, there was, she was all that, just by herself and ready to go. she looked hungry for attention and she was alone and it was perfect. it was a perfect setup. what do you think she saw in you? what was working from her side? probably the bad boy kind of thing. i wasn t your conventional straight laced kind of guy. roc was open with the detectives. even came across as a good guy. but conceded there were screaming matches with karen and a few rip roaring fights but said she was the instigator. she d get violent, physically violent. just stuff. things would happen. but nobody ever got arrested, but they d come out. they would address the issue. as roc tells it, she gave as good as she got. he dodged a few pieces of thrown crockery. she was ready to stand up for herself at the drop of a hat. she was a tough girl. reporter: roc remembers karen
to go. she looked hungry for attention and she was alone and it was perfect. it was a perfect setup. what do you think she saw in you? what was working from her side? probably the bad boy kind of thing. i wasn t your conventional straight lasd kind of guy. roc was opened with the detectives. even came across as a good guy. but conceded there were screaming matches with karen and a few rip roaring fights but said she was the instigator. she d get violent, physically violent. just stuff. things would happen. but nobody ever got arrested, but they d come out. they would address the issue. as roc tells it, she gave as good as she got. he dodged a few pieces of thrown crockery. she was ready to stand up for herself at the drop of a hat. she was a tough girl. reporter: roc remembers karen playing hardball about that rolltop desk of his, too, not liking her attitude.