Hear Tammy and Lester chat about aquavit and Unlocking Spring while she mixes the drink. There was a Cheers! episode back in 2018 which featured a new Michigan version of an ancient Scandinavian spirit called aquavit. (See the story here.) Since then, Norden Aquavit has received a lot of attention and a lot of significant awards. A lot of retailers in Michigan and beyond carry the clear spirit.
Robyn Cleveland is the co-owner and head distiller of Norden Aquavit.
Credit Lester Graham / Michigan Radio
The head distiller and co-owner of Norden Aquavit, Robyn Cleveland, has come up with some innovative twists. For National Breast Cancer Month, he concocted a very popular pink aquavit.
Listen to Robyn Cleveland and Tammy Coxen talk about Norden Aquavit.
The Alley Bar in Ann Arbor features the Norden Aquavit gimlet. Other bars and restaurants are using the spirit in their own cocktails.
Credit Lester Graham / Michigan Radio
The Cheers! team met at the Alley Bar in Ann Arbor to taste a cocktail made with a new Michigan-made spirit. It’s a fairly new spirit to the U.S., but Tammy Coxen of Tammy’s Tastings noted we have played with this spirit before.
The spirit is aquavit.
“Aquavit is actually a really classic spirit category from Scandanavia,” explained Robyn Cleveland. He’s co-owner and head distiller of Norden Aquavit.